Here is a snapshot of some of my scientific publications. 

Electron Micrograph of the Ebola virusPhoto Credit: Kevin Zeng and USAMRIID

Electron Micrograph of the Ebola virus

Photo Credit: Kevin Zeng and USAMRIID

Articles on Ebola:

Basic clinical and laboratory features of filoviral hemorrhagic fever. J Infect Dis 2011;204:S810-16.

Real-time monitoring of cardiovascular function in rhesus macaques infected with Zaire ebolavirus. J Infect Dis 2011;204:S1000-1010.

Necrotizing scleritis, conjunctivitis, and other pathologic findings in the eye and brain of an Ebola virus-infected Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) with apparent recovery and delayed time of death. J Infect Dis 2016;213:57-60.

In the BSL-4 LabPhoto Credit: Gene Olinger

In the BSL-4 Lab

Photo Credit: Gene Olinger

articles on containment care:

Managing potential laboratory exposure to Ebola virus by using a patient biocontainment care unit. Emerg Infect Dis 2008;14:881-887.

Designing a Biocontainment Unit to Care for Patients with Serious Communicable Diseases: A Consensus Statement. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 2006;4(4):351-65.

Caring for Ebola patients: a challenge in any care facility. Ann Int Med 2015;162:68-9.

Perspectives on the Management of Children in a Biocontainment Unit: Report of the NETEC Pediatric Workgroup. Health Security 2019;17(1):11-17.

Anthrax colony variants from the 2001 anthrax outbreakPhoto Credit: Pat Worsham and USAMRIID

Anthrax colony variants from the 2001 anthrax outbreak

Photo Credit: Pat Worsham and USAMRIID

biological weapon defense:

Potential Biological Weapons Threats. Emerging Infectious Diseases 1999;5:42-46.

A field-expedient algorithmic approach to the clinical management of chemical and biological casualties.  Military Medicine 2000;165(9):659-662.

Management Guidelines for Laboratory Exposures to Agents of Bioterrorism. J Occup Envir Med 2004;46:801-811.